Bible Text: Acts 21:1-28:31 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Book: Acts of the Apostles
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Common Name: Acts (Acts of the Apostles) | Book Number: 44 of 66 (Old Testament has 39 Books, New Testament has 27 Books) | Why Written: Documents the historical account of the beginning of the church and how the Holy Spirit (God) is active in the church then and today. |
Testament: New | When Written: 60-62 A.D. Roman Period | Key Phrase: The Earliest Days of the Church and Salvation for Both Jews and Gentiles |
Category: Early Church | Where Written: Caesarea and Rome | Key Idea: Individual Ministry |
Key People: Peter, Paul, Mark, John, James, Stephen, Philip, Barnabus, James (Jesus’ brother), Timothy, Silas, Titus, Apollus, Pricilla and Aquila, Luke, Felix, Festus, Agrippa and others | Key Verse: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) | Intended Audience: Theophilus, Gentiles and people everywhere. |
Who wrote the book?
The title of the book of Acts comes from the Greek word praxis, a word often used in early Christian literature to describe the great deeds of the apostles or other significant believers. This title accurately reflects the contents of the book, which is a series of vignettes chronicling the lives of key apostles (especially Peter and Paul) in the decades immediately following Christ’s ascension into heaven.
Luke’s identification as the author of this work was unquestioned throughout ancient times. It shows a clear progression from the gospel according to Luke, picking up just where that book left off. An ancient prologue to Luke’s gospel indicates that Luke was first a follower of the apostles and then became close with Paul.1 This is exactly how the book of Acts unfolds, beginning with Peter and ending with Paul. Luke even began to speak in the first person plural in the latter portion of Acts, as he traveled the Roman Empire alongside Paul (Acts 16:10).
Where are we?
Acts ends abruptly with Paul imprisoned in Rome, waiting to bring his appeal before Caesar. It is worth noting that in this history of the early Christian church, Luke mentioned neither Paul’s death (AD 64–68) nor the persecution of Christians that broke out under Nero (AD 64). More than likely, Luke completed the book before either of these events occurred, sometime between AD 60 and AD 62, while Paul sat in prison, awaiting the resolution of his appeal.
The setting for the book of Acts includes all of Middle East, Rome and Greece. Basically the entire known world of that time. We see the setting begin with Jerusalem then quickly spread to all parts of the known world including Palestine, Egypt, Greece, Rome and all of Asia Minor. Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus possible as a continuation of his Gospel, to give an orderly account of those things which had occurred.
Why is it so important?
Acts is the only biblical book that chronicles the history of the church immediately after Jesus’s ascension. As such, it provides us with a valuable account of how the church was able to grow and spread out from Jerusalem into the rest of the Roman Empire. In only three decades, a small group of frightened believers in Jerusalem transformed into an empire-wide movement of people who had committed their lives to Jesus Christ, ending on a high note with Paul on the verge of taking the gospel to the highest government official in the land—the Emperor of Rome.
What’s the big idea?
Acts can be neatly divided into two sections, the first dealing primarily with the ministry of Peter in Jerusalem and Samaria (Acts 1–12) and the second following Paul on his missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire (Acts 13–28). Acts is significant for chronicling the spread of the gospel, not only geographically but also culturally. It records the transition from taking the gospel to an exclusively Jewish audience—with Peter preaching to a small group in the Upper Room—to the gospel going out among the Gentiles, primarily under the ministry of the apostle Paul. The transition is best illustrated by Peter’s vision in which he heard a voice telling him, “What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy” (10:15). This led Peter to then share the gospel with many Gentiles. The lesson? God wants His message of hope and salvation to extend to all people—“in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth” (1:8).
How do I apply this?
What opportunities for sharing the gospel can you take advantage of in the days to come? This question should ring through your mind as you page through the book of Acts. In virtually every chapter, apostles such as Peter and Paul powerfully present the gospel to individuals and groups of people. The apostles portrayed in Acts shine with evangelistic zeal, showing a striking transition from the often misguided disciples of the Gospels. Clearly the apostles’ faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus produced a noticeable change in their hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Too often, our own lives do not reflect that sort of change. We struggle with fears over how others will react to our faith or with breaking out of our own routine long enough to invest in the life of someone else who needs the gospel. Allow Acts to encourage you to walk more closely with God so that you might make Christ’s name known with the boldness and the zeal of the apostles.
Don’t Shrink Back
Bible Text: Acts 19:1-20:38 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Will You Be Found Faithful
Bible Text: Acts 18:1-28 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Sharing the Love of Christ
Bible Text: Acts 17:16-34 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
The Power of God’s Word
Bible Text: Acts 17:1-15 | Preacher: Jeff Wright | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Are You Ready?
Bible Text: Acts 16:16-40 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Strengthening the Church
Bible Text: Acts 15:36-16:15 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Finding One Accord
Bible Text: Acts 15:1-35 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Be Bold! Part 2
Bible Text: Acts 13:43-14:28 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide
Be Bold!
Bible Text: Acts 13:43 – 14:28 | Preacher: Dr. Bradley S. Belcher | Series: Oakwood Bible Church – Sunday AM, Spread the Word, The Book of Acts, The Book of Acts | This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, click within it to progress the slides. Life Group Study Guide