Oakwood Bible is excited to welcome Interim Pastor Dr. Robert Evans. Dr. Evans (who likes to be called Pastor Bob) comes to us after forty years of experience working as a Senior Pastor in 4 local churches; 2 in Iowa, 1 in Colorado and one in Minnesota. Our Oakwood leadership team, with the approval of the congregation, has asked Pastor Bob to lead us through the five stage intentional process for transition developed by Dr. Tom Harris of Interim Pastor Ministries, a national organization with a proven track record in successfully executing their mission which is to strengthen churches during pastoral transition for greater effectiveness, and to help churches get healthy and stay healthy. For more information about Interim Pastor Ministries please visit their website at http:// www.interimpastors.com and or pick up the information packet provided at the welcome center.
Pastor Bob is excited to be here and is looking forward to connecting with as many people in our congregation and community as he can during his time with us. If you have any questions for him or would like to meet with him for any reason please call the church office to arrange a meeting or reach out to him directly by email below.
Office 269-349-2835
Fax 269-349-9012
Send a message directly to Pastor Bob